We certainly can’t control everything, we are all very well aware of that, BUT........"
there is so much wellness, goodness, responsibility

we can take for ourselves and we need to put this into action.
- There is no greater time than now
- We all have the ability to be the light even amidst dark times
Holistic Health Coach, Rochelle Ludovisi and Functional Health Practitioner, Tracy Coe together are inviting you to join a on zoom call and learn together:
- How to take care of you body when working at home
(home workouts, sore muscles, staying motivated)
- Ways to make a workout more efficient
- What to be putting in and on your body to support a healthy immune system
- Emotional Support - Stress can wreak havoc on your body
***main focuses: implementing essential oils, nutrition supplemental support and other support tools
Two time options to learn together:
When: Thursday July 23 @ 10am and 5pm PST
How: Email rludovisi@gmail.com to reserve your spot and get the Zoom link
Questions: rludovisi@gmail.com To Great Health & Fitness!

Tracy Coe, CPT-PMA, C-QRA Functional Health & Nutrition Practitioner
Tracy Coe is a certified QRA wellness/nutrition practitioner and essential oil educator who’s passion is to support the community in educating and providing professional documented and researched options of whole foods, cleansing, and toxicity prevention to support short/long term health and wellness and vitality for the individual and family. For more information email pilates@coe-dynamics.com or call 424.903.3104
Rochelle Ludovisi

Holistic Health Coach....Your Healthy Resource for Better Living Pilates Instructor since 2001 www.rochelleludovisi.com
Health statements on this page have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The health information and products on this site is for education purposes only and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition. It is solely informational in nature Tracy Coe and CoeDynamics assumes no responsibility in treatment or cure of any disease or illness. The information provided verbally, written, electronically is designed to support, not replace, the relationship that exists between a patient/site visitor and his/her physician. Please consult your health care practitioner before engaging in any treatments or nutritional product mentioned or suggested in these messages.