- 2020 -
A Healthy Start to Your
New Decade!

with health tips and events YOUR DIET is one of the most effective ways to
- prevent an on-coming bug from manifesting
- starve the bugs
- build the immune system
Keep these tips on hand, they stand the test of time.
1. Remove all forms of sugar (including breads, pasta processed foods, artificial sugars, pasteurized dairy, caffeine, alcohol from your diet. (low glycemic fruits ok) These all feed the bugs and make them stronger in your body
2. If you eat meat, meat makes digestive system work very hard and takes away from the body's energy trying to heal itself, so while you are getting over your illness give the digestive system a break
3. Hydrate with ample: filtered water (adding fresh lemon juice and air dried sea salt)
4. Nourishment for the Immune health
Fresh organicRaw Green Juice(max 1 fruit or high sugar vegetable aka beet or carrot). Raw juice helps body eliminate waste and mucus. Examples: Spinach Carrot or Celery Lemon Kale
Amazing Broths
warm 16 oz water add 1 full scoop of premier mushroom, 1/2 tsp premier turmeric, 1/8 tsp premier pink salt
- Bieler Broth: great for alkalizing the body, supporting the liver, and providing beneficial nutrients
-Potassium Broth: providing much needed vitamins and minerals while flushing the system and aiding the body's natural detoxification process
skin 4 potatoes, chop 4 carrots 4 celery add all to 2 quarts water, 1 tsp air-driedPremier Pink Salt(simmer for 30 minutes (last 5 minutes add fresh parsley) strain and drink as tea several times a day.
- Meat Broths: made from bones of chicken, fish and beef tames sore throats and nurtures the sick. “Good broth will resurrect the dead,” says a South American proverb.
Essential Oils: Digestion & Weight Loss
Mini-workshop: Providing natural easy solutions to support your health goals.
Weight: causes, loss, management, essential oil support
Digestion: The system, Impact to overall health/weight, simplistic support practices
When: Sunday, January 19, 2020 Noon - 1PM
Location: Pilates Institute So Cal: 120 S. Sepulveda MB 90266
Registration: click here
Fee: $25.00
Questions/Contact: pilates@coe-dynamics.com
Includes: take home essential oil detox blend Tracy Coe, CPT-PMA, C-QRA Wellness & Nutrition PractitionerCoeDynamics
Tracy Coe is a certified QRA wellness and nutrition practitioner who’s passion is to support the community in educating and providing professional documented and researched options of whole foods, cleansing, and toxicity prevention to support short/long term health and wellness and vitality for the individual and family. For more information email pilates@coe-dynamics.com or call 424.903.3104
Fresh Vegetable and fruit Juices (whats missing in your body?) - N.W. Walker D.Sc Health statements on this page have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The health information and products on this site is for education purposes only and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition. It is solely informational in nature Tracy Coe and CoeDynamics assumes no responsibility in treatment or cure of any disease or illness. The information provided verbally, written, electronically is designed to support, not replace, the relationship that exists between a patient/site visitor and his/her physician. Please consult your health care practitioner before engaging in any treatments or nutritional product mentioned or suggested in these messages.