So much has been written about avoiding the sun, with the main concern being skin cancer. When, in fact daily sunlight is essential to a healthy life. The below information explains the Sun, a natural and FREE health promoter. With all things being in moderation, this Newsletter will also gives tips on how to protect you and your family from potential sun damage while avoiding a variety of chemicals that can be damaging to the body.
Consider •100 years ago, people worked predominantly outdoors, hours in the direct sun, and did not use sunscreen. In fact, the more people worked outdoors, the healthier they were. •Modern day societies such as the "Hunza" people of the Himalayan mountains in Northern Pakistan, spend the greater majority of their time out in the direct sunlight tending to their fields and orchards, yet the incidence of skin cancer is almost non-existent. WHY? There is virtually no hydrogenated oil in their food supply. •100 years ago, skin cancer afflicted less than 1% of the population, and today, more than 3.5 million new cases of skin cancer diagnosed each year in the US. •Sunscreens abound and yet the level of skin cancer has not decreased.
What has changed? •The issue of skin cancer has been directly correlated to the introduction and increased consumption of hydrogenated oils in our diet. •Damaged/hydrogenated oils have replaced the good healthy oils that naturally occur in foods for the purposes of prolonging shelf life and ease of manufacturing, distribution, and preservation. •Most of today’s cooking oils such as corn oil, safflower, sunflower, sesame oils on the market are so high in omega-6 fats (virtually 100%) that it distorts the healthy omega-6 to omega-3 ratio balance. •This ratio is important in resistance to cancer and most particularly skin cancer. The ideal ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 should be about 1:1 while the typical American is about 15:1. •In 2001, the National Academy of Sciences published a comprehensive review showing that the omega-6:3 ratio was the key to preventing skin cancer development.
Sunscreen facts: *Sunscreen at its best can only prevent sunburn. It cannot and does not prevent rarest and only true form of skin cancer – malignant melanoma. *Your skin is a huge sponge absorbing everything you put on it. •Tiny particles commonly used in sunscreens caused long term neurological damage in mice, researchers at the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) •The Environmental Working Group, a Washington-based nonprofit, has released an investigation of nearly 1,000 brand-name sunscreens that says four out of five don‘t adequately protect consumers and may contain harmful chemicals. •Titanium dioxide, a compound whose toxicity remains unclear, is an ingredient found in many sunscreens. The U.S. government's National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)(19) labels the chemical "potential occupational carcinogen" Sunlight facts: •Research have been done on mice with tumors, in which the sunlight was the only test variable, and the tumors were inhibited. •Sunlight is the best source of usable vitamin D, bar none. •Sunlight has shown to aid in reducing breast tumors by between 30% and 40%. •Sunlight has been shown to reduce cholesterol levels. *The sun helped with non-Hodgkin lymphoma: *Sunshine helped beat the deadly skin cancer malignant melanoma:
What to do? *Our cells thrive on light. As was appropriately stated by a scientist, “humans are light eaters.” A ground breaking experiment by German bio-physicist Dr. Friz-Alpert Popp demonstrated a release of “light” emanates from healthy cells. This “body of light” distinguishes between living and non-living. (aka, No light = Dead) *Its ideal to get an avg. 20 minutes of direct sunlight a day. *All sunlight has health benefits but the best sunlight for building and regenerating health purposes is 7:00 A.M. to 9:00 A.M. *Working up a sweat, during that time, increases the benefits *Since most of us have consumed far too much hydrogenated oils, beginning to extend time in the sun needs to be gradual while making an "OIL Change" in our bodies (see below).
How to Protect from Sun Damage *Cleanup daily diet: – have a nutritious diet that consists of unprocessed, whole seasonal foods that have not been grown with commercial fertilizers – Eliminate damaged hydrogenated oils out of the diet: these oils come with all forms of “food”: breads, bagels, fries, pastries, pizza, crackers, potato chips, cookies, salad dressings, mayonnaise, popcorn, etc. – Get healthy oils in the body: Essential Fatty Acids, Cod Liver/Butter Oil, raw butter, avocado, coconut oil, olive oil (unfiltered), wild caught ocean fish (sardines, salmon) *If you are going to be in the sun for longer then an hour at a time – place on clothing that covers more of the body – make your own skin nourishing sunscreen: in a glass jar mix 2 Tbs Premier coconut oil with 2 Tsp of Premier Zeolite or Zinc Oxide. Your skin will love you! *Clear out the accumulated damaged oil already in the body "Oil Change" – Add Essential Fatty Acids & Cod Liver/Butter Oil to the daily nutritional intake – Use non-light exposed PRL Coconut Oil in food preparations – Take Premier Research Labs, Brain Complex – which supports replacing of the "bad" accumulated oils in the body while you are ingesting healthy essential oils.
For more information and contact CoeDynamics at 310 798 7600, All mentioned products can be ordered online by clicking here.
References The Truth About Sunscreens & Personal Care Products ttp:// New Study Shows Many Sunscreens are Accelerating not Preventing Cancer Does Too Much Sun Really Cause Melanoma? Heal yourself with Sunlight, Andreas Moritz One of the top cancer journal articles CANCER RESEARCH 2000 AUG 1:60(15):4139-45 PUBMED.GOV OSHA:
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