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Writer's pictureTracy Coe

The Power of the Eye

The miraculous creation of our body / mind never ceases to amaze me

Your Eye's Focus

As a Pilates Teacher of 18 years, I continue to enjoy and honor the role to not just convey exercises but offer my students guidance on new ways the body can provide support that alleviates aches and offers freedom in movement. I like to say during sessions, "creating just enough stability, to allow mobility, without rigidity"

One particular area that has become more of a focus (no pun intended) is the guidance of the eye. Where we look, the angle we look, can make a critical difference to our posture and quality of movement. Recognizing the head as the top of the spine, the gaze of the eye will direct the neck’s positioning, and like a domino effect can transcend alignment or misalignment all the way down to the feet.

If we don’t allow the eyes and neck to be a part of the connection, rather than strengthening your core you’ll end up straining your neck. For example, a very common Pilates core exercise that calls for upper spine flexion is the 100’s.

The positioning of the eyes is of critical importance in bring the head and neck into a healthy forward flexion (what we would call an ab curl). If the eyes are looking straight up while the head and neck are lifted off the ground, by the time you get to your 100th count, I guarantee you’ll have strained your neck more then have engaged your power house.

On the other hand, as your head lifts from the floor, if you direct your eyes to move from the sky, to your knees, to your belly button you will actually mobilize all 7 vertebrae of the neck, relieving neck strain and get a great core work from it.

Give it a try on your next Pilates 100’s exercise (or any forward flexion exercise)

Interested in strengthening your core or how you can make your Pilates practice more effective? CoeDynamics in Manhattan Beach also offers online Pilates classes and privates. Click here to check out 1st client specials.

Not only do our eyes have power in forming our physical posture, our eyes also have power to feed the brain and how it may formulate information. As media, news attempt to affix our eyes to mostly the on-going chaos in this world, it can affect our current processing and future decisions. If you missed the recent postYour Words, Thoughts & Actions Matterit is mentioned,

“Feelings are very real, valid and need to be expressed (in a healthy means) and not suppressed. BUT what you dwell on or let live in your heart (mind) can literally wreak havoc on your life" (and others).

It is wise to stay informed, discern the input we receive, and when applicable not shrink from standing (in peace).

Not being blind or ignorant to the current chaos, confusion. I will end with timeless proverbs that speaks to humanity, community, justice, protection and love and since 1892 what citizens of this country have pledged while gazing on the American flag. In hopes to keep our eyes directed to peace and wisdom.

“Never let loyalty and kindness leave you!” Proverbs 3:3a

“My child, don’t lose sight of common sense and discernment.

Hang on to them, for they will refresh your soul.” Proverbs 3:21,22a

The Pledge of Allegiance as of President Eisenhower 1954 addition

"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

To Great Health & Fitness!

Tracy Coe, CPT-PMA, C-QRA Wellness & Nutrition PractitionerCoeDynamics


Tracy Coe is a certified QRA wellness and nutrition practitioner who’s passion is to support the community in educating and providing professional documented and researched options of whole foods, cleansing, and toxicity prevention to support short/long term health and wellness and vitality for the individual and family. For more information email or call 424.903.3104 Health statements on this page have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The health information and products on this site is for education purposes only and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition. It is solely informational in nature Tracy Coe and CoeDynamics assumes no responsibility in treatment or cure of any disease or illness. The information provided verbally, written, electronically is designed to support, not replace, the relationship that exists between a patient/site visitor and his/her physician. Please consult your health care practitioner before engaging in any treatments or nutritional product mentioned or suggested in these messages.

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