The World Health Organization (WHO) in 1946 defined “health” as a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” Here’s an even more descriptive picture of health:
get to and maintain a healthy weight and muscle tone
no more food cravings or mid-day energy crashes
optimal digestion (not sluggish, not gassy, no heartburn)
look and feel younger
stay well during the “cold & flu season”
improve sleep, focus, and mood
have athletic stamina even after a long day
Where to begin? Eat nourishing foods that nature provides. Did you know? . . . True nature is very nourishing and heals without side effects? Tomatoes have 4 chambers just like the heart and tomatoes are a good food for the heart and blood.
Remove and/or reduce foods that cause health challenges. Did you know? . . . MSG is a chemical that effects the nervous system and is linked to chronic headaches, MS, Alzheimer, Parkinson, cancer, emotional disturbances, learning disabilities and seizures (to name a few). MSG is disguised in food labels under a variety of names. So just because you do not see the acronym “MSG” listed on your food, if your diet consists of mostly boxed, packaged, bottled, canned, restaurant and/or processed foods most likely, you and your family are still eating an abundance of MSG.
Filter the body. Did you know? . . . Through movement, deep breathing, sweating, and drinking enough water you will rid your body of a reservoir of harmful substances. Exercise strengthens and tones the muscles of your body, including the gastrointestinal tract, and helps to mitigate a sluggish bowel.