Boost Your Foods Nutrition (part III)
This series of CoeDynamcis Wellness Blogs is indentifying ways you can increase the nutritional value of the food you eat along with delicious recipes. Part I discusses how the quality of soil plays a critical role to food nutrition. Part II discusses how animal farming techniques can determine whether you are eating foods that are healthy or full of toxins. Today is about eating whole and seaonal foods, along with a summer salad recipe.
Eat whole seasonally and chemical free
When plant foods are picked at peak and full ripeness it contains its full complement of nutrients. Therefore, eating whole in season foods the compound of micronutrients it supplies work synergistic, providing more benefits together that your body needs to function well.
Did you know?
Eating out of season chemical laden foods depends on waxes, chemicals, and preservatives for the foods to look fresher then they are in taste. These foods are produced for long shelf life and looks rather than flavor and nutrition.
Seasonal /Chemical Free Foods Benefits to You & Your Enviornment
Health Benefits
Its worth repeating, seasonal foods are picked at the peak of freshness and offer higher nutritional content than out of season unripe fruits and vegetables. Your body will receive a wide variety of important vitamins, minerals, enzymes, antioxidants, and phytochemicals that you need to maintain vibrant health.
Eating seasonal foods helps to support our bodies natural cleansing and healing abilities. For example spring weather offers many tasty leafy greens and vegetables like dandelion greens, spring onions, and spring garlic which are great healing foods for helping detoxify your liver and cleanse your blood
Sustainable Benefits
Organic/chemical free seasonal foods are grown in a sustainable manner by farmers who really care about protecting our planet.
Organic farmers rotate crops to increase soil fertility, use integrated pest management to control pests using beneficial insects instead of toxic pesticides, and use sustainable composting methods for disposing of organic waste.
By not using toxic chemicals, poisonous pesticides, herbicides, and genetically modified seeds, these farmers provide us with healthier foods along with protecting both our planet and the farm workers health.
Sustainable farming methods of raising foods yields a superior product that offers better taste, quality, and nutrition over conventionally raised foods
Environmental Benefits
Eating with the seasons and purchasing local foods helps to protect our planet because it reduces the number of miles your food has to travel before it reaches your plate.
It cuts back on the amount of fuel used which reduces pollution.
By making a conscious choice to purchase organic, seasonal, and local foods we help protect our water, air, and land.
Economic Benefits
When you buy organic, seasonal, locally grown foods you help provide financial support to the farmers in your area which helps to grow your local economy.
Seasonal foods are priced much more economically than out of season foods which will save you money on your grocery bills.
Examples of Seasonal Foods
– pear – apple – pumpkin – pomegranate -ceggplant – tomatoes
– greens/spinach – lettuce – sweet potato – winter squash – grapes
– mushrooms – cranberries – broccoli – cauliflower – collards – persimmons
– swiss chard – tomatillo
– cabbage – broccoli – cauliflower – leeks – winter squash – citrus – parsnips
– potatoes – papayas – brussels sprouts – beets – cabbage – carrots – sweet potato
– turnips
– zucchini – rhubarb – artichokes – asparagus – spring peas – broccoli – lettuce
– cherries – apricots – mint – mushrooms – new potato – radishes – spinach
– strawberries – wild greens
– Summer squash – rhubarb – artichoke – asparagus – cilantro – spring pea
– broccoli – lettuce – cucumber – tomatoes – melon – okra – corn – kiwi
– watermelon – melons – peach – apricot – all kinds of berries – plum – basil
– cherries – green beans – peppers – garlic
– dairy – dried beans – dried fruits – edible flowers – herbs – meats – onions
– whole grains – wild harvested greens.
Seasonal Tips:
Summer and fall offer meats and dairy products with the richness that comes from fresh green grass. Butter fat is at its most nutrient-dense, so buy a few extra pounds of butter; it freezes well for up to nine months.
Many ranchers, farmers and producers consider fall peak harvest time. During this last harvest of the year (in states that have 4 seasons) If you have a food cellar, this is a great time to buy in bulk. Certain items that store well with little accommodation such as: apples, onions and potatoes. Also buy items you can ferment: cabbage carrots daikon tomatoes.
Many foods will store well in a cellar, fermented or frozen, so stock up when you find a quality supplier. That way you can keep enjoying the bounty of the harvest months after its peak nutritional time has come and gone.
Ways to access seasonal chemical free foods
Grow your own garden (in addition to food healthy, its a great way to relax the brain and get vitamin D)
Buy from local farmers (talk to the farmers, get to know them and how they care for the food you will be serving to your family)
Sign-up for a local food co-op (don’t have time to get to a farmers market or there isn’t one close enough?… Have it delivered to your door)
To find a local farmer, market, csa, and even restaurant that serves local produced food check out enter your zip code and find all ways you can start to eat sustainably grown food in your area.
In the US, the standard for the agriculture industry is antibiotics, pesticides, genetically engineered ingredients, hormones and countless other drugs are fair game in your food. Purchasing your food from a typical supermarket, you are taking your chances that it’s filled with chemicals and drugs. Do your and family’s health a favor, while supporting local family farms, you’ll receive nutritious food from a source that you can trust, and supporting the honest work of a real family farm.
Your Nutritional Boost Recipe
Farro Tomato & Green Bean Salad
Salad Ingredients
1 lb of green beans (cut in bite size pieces)
1 – 2 lb of tomato of your choice (chopped or quartered)
2 cups of non-gmo Farro (this is a grain) looks like barley)*
Salad Assembly
For digest purposes, all grains (including Farro) should be soaked 4 – 12 hours in a mixture of clean water and 1 Tbs of fresh lemon juice or raw unfiltered cider vinegar. After soaking, cover the container that is holding the grain (ex. mason jar with a cheese cloth and rubber band), drain the liquid through the cloth and rinse with clean water then then place the jar upside down on an angle, rinse the grains 1 – 2x/day and within 2 – 3 days your grains will have grown a tail (sprout).
These simple steps make your grains digestible, as well you get up to 30% higher nutrients Just plan ahead so you can start the grains a couple days before you are going to eat the salad. After sprouting lightly steam (not boil) your grain very low heat about 10 minutes (you can taste for texture). Then rinse and let it cool off
put beans, tomatoes and grains in a bowl and top with dressing below
1/4 cup chopped mint
3 Tbs fresh lemon juice
1/3 cup PRL cold pressed unfiltered olive oil
1 Tbs PRL essential fatty acid oil blend
2 Tbs PRL unfiltered raw (unpasteurized) vintage cider vinegar
1 tsp PRL unheated/untreated golden honey
1/2 tsp PRL air-dried/untreated pink salt
Blend all dressing ingredients in a blender, then pour over the salad and let it marinate for at least 2 hours. Enjoy your delicious masterpiece of nutrition.
As a QRA & Wellness Practitioner, a primary focus with clients is providing a step by step process in building a nutrient dense daily diet along with supplying recipes and teaching how to be in the kitchen efficiently and effectively. If you are seeking additional assistance to renew your diet and/or your family’s for health, weight loss, and/or body type, to inquire about an appointment please click here or call 310.798.7600.
To Great Health & Wellness Tracy PMA-CPT, certified QRA & Wellness Practitioner
PS We love to hear from you, questions, recipe sharing, recipe feedback simply email us at
Disclaimer: Messages from CoeDynamics are not regulated by FDAA and are not intended to diagnose or treat any disease or health condition. It is solely informational in nature. Please consult your health care practitioner before engaging in any treatments or nutritional product mentioned or suggested in these messages.