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December 2011 Newsletter

Writer: Tracy CoeTracy Coe

In This Month’s Newsletter:

  1. Living Out Pilates – Exercise of the Month

  2. Need a Stocking Stuffer Idea? Pilates Toe Sox!

  3. Holiday Pilates Gift Certificate Now Available

  4. BMCD in the Community – FREE Pilates Class

  5. For Your Health – HAPPY Healthy Holiday Tips

Living Out Pilates – Exercise of the Month

Open Leg Balance (prep to “Open Leg Rocker”)

Happy Holidays – we will be rounding out this year’s Living Out Pilates series with the Open Leg Balance, which is a prep to the Open Leg Rocker. A full body strengthening exercise and a great core exercise to keep your muscles toned during your holiday festivities.

Watch our video to ensure you use proper technique. DOWNLOAD & PRINT the exercise instructions.

Need Stocking Stuffer Idea?

May we suggest…a Pilates Holiday Gift Certificate with a pair of Pilates Toe Sox!

For just $15(+ tax) that stocking will look nice and stuffed with a pair of Pilates Toe Sox.  In addition to them being stylish and warm …. Pilates Toe Sox have a non-slip bottom so you don’t have to worry about slipping and therefore, enhance your confidence and control.

Pilates Holiday Gift Certificate!

A Pilates Holiday certificate is a great gift to help others motivate for there New Year Resolution.  These certificates can be purchased in any denomination amount to be applied towards the customers choice of Pilates session type.  If you are gifting to a new Pilates student check out the Introductory Package or a one month Pilates Class  Membership for an already Pilates guru.  If you are unsure of what package to choose from, feel free to contact our staff at pilates@coe-dynamics.comor 310.798.7600.

BMCD In The Community

Toy Drive Donation = Free Pilates Class

In the season of giving, BMCD has partnered with Manhattan Beach Kiwanis Club in collecting gift donations for children to benefit Los Angeles County Toy Loan Program.

For your donated gift, BMCD will thank you with a FREEPilates Class(one per client) to be redeemed by December 31, 2011. Gift Donations will be accepted from December 1 – 19, 2011, should be unwrapped and can be for a child ages of 1 – 16. This is a great opportunity to bring a family member or friend as each person receives a FREEPilates classwith their gift donation. Thank you for supporting the community and Merry Christmas from BMCD Staff.

For more information about LA Toy Loan Program or MB Kiwanis click on the following links: and

For Your Health: Happy Healthy Holiday Tips

The Christmas and New Year season seem to coincide with over eating drinking and then having to start a crazy work-out routine on January 2nd to re-start a healthy life-style all over again (and we will be here for you :).  Yes, you should enjoy your holidays and here are some holiday health tips to help you without having waste all your hard work you put into having a healthy 2011 and to support your healthy lifestyle into 2012 while not missing out on the HOLIDAY CHEER.  Who knows you may also become a good role model to inspire someone new to a happy and healthier lifestyle! So without delay, read on and print up the below…


7 Holiday Health Tips to approach your Holidays:

1. Eat before you go

If going to holiday parties, before you attend eat a healthy snack at home so you are not starving when you get to that holiday party.

2. Instead of not working out at all during your holiday season, enjoy some healthy movement in less time and maybe with family.  

It is always great to let your body re-cooperate from the regular work-out programs, but remember even moderate exercise/movement can help reduce food cravings. Here are some alternatives, work-out less over the holidays and indulge in different exercise/movement routines. Even if you are our of town for a week, try to come up with a plan to have a moderate exercise routine 2 – 3 times/week 20 – 30 minutes per work-out during the holiday season.  Enjoy a walk with your family or travel with a jump rope, resistance band, or Pilates Over Ball can be ordered here…  ,take 20 minutes in the morning to stretch, practice a little Pilates Core, and jump/ bounce with your rope. I guarantee at the end of your day even when you have indulged in some holiday treats you will feel so much better on the inside and outside!

3. Bring a healthy hearty dish and/or dessert to pass

This is one way to ensure you’ll have something healthy to eat, while sharing and motivating others to eat healthy too  (without them even knowing it).  Samples could be a lentil soup made with homemade vegetable broth and for the sweet tooth almond cookies

4. Have the party at your house

This is the best way to ensure that you’ll have something healthy to eat while celebrating the holidays with your friends and family. Hosting a party gives you a little more control over what kind of foods will be served. Suggest that your guests bring salads or some of the healthier family favorites. And you can provide the real stuff like homemade salad dressing, real butter, whole grain breads and a free-range turkey with real gravy.

5. Arrive later   

Without lying or making up excuses, simply tell the host that you won’t be able to make it for dinner, but you’d love to come and visit with everyone afterward.

6. Learn to say no, in a polite way    

If your not tempted then by all means, don’t feel pressured or obligated as it’s quite ok, to say “Thank you, I’ll pass.”

7. Take the focus off of food

Make celebrating the holidays with your family and friends more fun and meaningful than pigging out on a bunch of nutrient-depleted junk food. Bring some games that get everyone involved. Plan activities for the kids such as making ornaments or a snowman. Get out the old family/friend photo albums and tell stories as you reminisce about the good times you’ve shared together—that didn’t revolve around food!


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