Bring Earth Energies Back Into Your Life (Vastu) My last blog educated on the health impact of cell phone radiation. That is just a subtopic of a main subject, BioEnergestics (study of energy). Vastu also a subtopic of BioEnergetics both of which will be discussed in this blog to educate you how to use the positive energies of Mother Nature around your home and work environment to inexpensively accelerate your health, energy, and sleep. Guessing that this health topic maybe a brand new conecpt to most this blog has slightly more reading then previous blogs.
BioEnergetics Bioenergetics is the study of energy relationships/transformations through living systems. Everything, (visible and invisible) is a field of energy, molecules, and electrochemical structure. These fields are sometimes referred to as an electromagnetic field (EMF). EMF receives and remits electrical/magnetic/energy currents. These currents can cause an experience of force that has the potential to alter the structure of other fields (including the field of our bodies) either positively or negatively.
Example Positive EMF: energy from earth’s ground. Our body (like a battery) is positively charged when surrounded by nature such as taking a hike or spending a day at the beach. Humans resonate with earth’s magnetic fields which are below 10Hz.
When we are frequently within environment(s) that exudes healthy/positive energy the human body battery is being positively charged and strengthened creating better immunity, all day energy, restful sleep and at the same time requires less food, and less amount of sleep to obtain this ultimate state of being! In the Hierarchy of Healing Energies, Vastu (healthy bioenergetics) ranks higher then emotional health, nutrition, and sleep because it is able to magnify each one of these former health works.
The opposite of being in positive energetic environment, is being in negatively charged or depolarized environments. When consistently exposed to environments that exude negative synthetic currents/energies, this drains the human battery hindering its internal functions, immunity, accelerating aging, as well as making it harder to heal.
Example Negative EMF: Synthetic EMF emissions come from: x-ray machines, cell phone/towers, ipads, computers, video games, cell towers, smart meters, appliances, GPS, wireless baby monitors, scanning devices, electrical cars, digital clocks, WIFI, hair dryer, satellite, FIOS, electrical wiring inside a house/office, home security alarms (well, not your dog of course 🙂 and etc…. These device emissions are opposite of to the natural energy of our body and mind. The synthetic currents from the above devices are transmissions of electric power that come from through high voltage lines and secondary wiring lines in home, office, and other buildings. When we are in continuous surroundings of synthetic EMF emissions, studies have shown this causes stress to the natural functions of our body.
The Trade Off The unfortunate trade-off of the abundant electrical conveniences is our body and mind is constantly surrounded by synthetic EMF (unless you live in a far away land like a hut in the Swiss Alps). Further impacting us, is that in today’s high demanding jobs and lifestyles we are getting less daily exposure to natures positive energies (the sun, walking on grass, park, forest or sand) to off-set the synthetic exposure. As a result, no matter how well you eat and how many meditative breaths you take, the invisible force of synthetic EMF can be a major driver to almost any health challenge. Continuous exposure to synthetic, artificial electromagnetic fields (EMFs) depletes our body energy field, locks out nutrients from being absorbed, and accelerates cell death which accelerates aging. Typically, the weakest areas of our bodies will be effected first and the most. To get an idea of what your body is taking in day in and day out, compare it to someone tapping you on your shoulder non-stop 24/7. Give it a try, I guarantee you will soon feel the annoyance.
Vastu: Bringing Natural Healing Energies Back to Your Home/Office Environment Vastu is an ancient Indian science of using architecture and elemets and energy of nature to enhance overall wellness. Apart of the whole body health practice of a Quantum Reflex Analysis Practitioner involves bringing health to the persons surroundings (fields). This includes remediate synthetic EMF currents, convert non-beneficial energy emissions to beneficial energies in your home and/or work environment that exude negative EMF currents.
How does this work? Grounding your building One of the most effective means of converting harmful emissions into beneficial energies is by bringing earth’s beneficial energies into your home/work environment. This system is called grounding and is also a form of Vastu, a 5000 year old Indian science practice. Grounding entails mixing high polarity earth soils in the nearest ground around your building(s). Grounding creates superior building geomagnetic energy both inside and outside the entire foundation of your building.
Why can’t this be accomplished with just any soil? An extreme high percentage of today’s soil is weak/sick. Just like our bodies, for soil to be healthy it needs minerals nutrients and detoxification from heavy metals, petrochemicals, pesticides, and even radioactivity.
Is Grounding the only process? Grounding is by far the most powerful and effective way to convert non-beneficial emissions into beneficial energy for the health of the body/mind. Discovering if other one time cost effective methods of remediation are needed could depend upon a persons state of health, as well as, how far one wants to magnify the beneficial energies in their surrounding environment. These are to be presented in a future blog.
What are the health benefits of Grounding? I believe it is worth repeating, the human body battery is being positively charged and strengthened creating better immunity, all day energy, restful sleep and at the same time requires less food, and less amount of sleep to obtain this ultimate state of being!
Dramatic reduction of insomnia Cools down an inflamed nervous system Decreases hormone symptoms Normalizes a body’s biological rhythms Relieves muscle tension Accelerates recovery from athletic exercise Speeds the healing process Creates a deeper (REM) sleep Increased energy How does this happen? The function of our brain, immune system, glands, digestion, and fertility are controlled by tiny currents, all of which can be disrupted by synthetic EMFs. If our cells are being constantly annoyed this can lead to an excessive weakening of body’s “field” and therefore can disrupt normal biological functions. See some following examples
Potential Negative Health Impacts When Not Grounded
Electrical exposure in your sleeping environment (cell phones, FIOS, WIFI, TV, digital clock, electrical wire in ceilings and floors) is thousands of times stronger than your body’s own electrical system. Symptoms of long-term exposure of elevated electrical levels, especially at night include: Disruptions to sleep patterns, Headaches, Reduces melatonin production, Depression and fatigue Hyperactivity, Nightmares, Muscle cramps, Eyestrain
Microwave radiation used in WIFI, cell phones, and microwave ovens, shut down the cell membrane. This impairs the flow of nutrients into the cell and waste products out, drains the body energy, pulls minerals, taxes the immune system
Disruptions to hormone function and production
Disrupts Calcium (CA) in a body. CA is needed to hold cell wall structure together, when a cell lacks CA, the brain goes to mush leading to impaired brain function/memory
Numerous studies linked childhood leukemia to those children living near transformer towers back in the early 1980’s
Allan Frey in the 1960’s showed how heart rhythms are disturbed by microwaves and how the blood-brain barrier is compromised
Ophthalmologist, Milton Zaret first to find cataracts caused by low-energy microwaves
The Swedish National Institute of Occupational Health investigated the general cancer statistics of 2.4 million employees in different professions and found an 80% higher cancer risk in the most electrically exposed groups such as electricians, technical engineers, kitchen personnel, machine and motor mechanics and seamstresses.
Two Finnish studies show that low-frequency fields from high radiation computer screens increase the risk of miscarriage 2 to 5 times.
There are over 60 quality studies linking EMF exposure to cancer. In laboratory studies, cancer cells reproduce up to 24 times faster when exposed to synthetic EMF
How do I get started? How do I get Grounding and remediation materials? To eliminate the guessing game of what would be the most optimal materials to use as well as placement of these grounding/Vastu materials to bring beneficial healing energy into your environment, a consultation can be set up with Tracy, Certified QRA Practitioner, to come directly to your home/work building. During this appointment, the client will experience the current energy output (positive or negative) of your home/work environment using a QRA* assessment. In areas that exemplify negative energy, beneficial energetic materials will be sampled and retested for an alteration of its energy output. All testing will be conducted with the cutting edge QRA* kinesiology testing technique. *QRA, see FAQ
For more information and consultation appointments contact CoeDynamics at 310 798 7600,
To You & Your Family Health Tracy, Certified QRA Practitioner, CPT-PMA
References microwave dangers info “Cell Phones: Invisible Hazards in the Wireless Age: An Insider's Alarming Discoveries about Cancer and Genetic Damage” by Dr. George Carlo
Disclaimer: Messages from CoeDynamics are not regulated by FDAA and are not intended to diagnose or treat any disease or health condition. It is solely informational in nature. Please consult your health care practitioner before engaging in any treatments or nutritional product mentioned or suggested in these messages.